haut-nah / under the skin
Video (2006, 13'04'', mini DV)
This Video is a parable about the search for the essence: the essence of things, the essence of human beings, the search for the core, the truth... A never ending quest everyone has to deal with on his own way in life. It is also, of course, a metaphor about the artist's way of working.
Komm! Man wird dir deine Prinzessin nach Maß schneidern...
Allez! On va te la coudre sur mesures ta princesse...
Come! Let us make you a princess to measure...
Video (2003, 17’08’’, mini DV)
At first, one sees/hears the needle of a sewing machine (close up). Then comes the same frame, but without sound and slowed down. Out of the dark appears a naked body behind the needle, like some sort of hallucination.